Enjoyment kit for your first Burning Man



It was a hot summer evening 2 years ago. My boyfriend Slav was getting his luggage done. In a couple of days he would fly to San Francisco. And from there – straight to Burning Man. We watched youtube videos from the desert until 2 am and I just couldn’t get any sleep after. My mind and imagination were hard at work. Even the gentle breeze coming from the window could not calm the fire already burning inside me.

One year and some preliminary cost plans later, me and Slav were preparing our luggage for Burning Man – this time we’d be going together! A few hours later, my life resembles a travel montage:

ME in the airplanes; ME in San Francisco’s supermarkets buying things we would need for the playa; ME looking excited through the window of our rented van on the way to Black Rock City; ME… terrified at the gate of Burning Man long after dark.

The vast, black desert in front of me, was truly terrifying and promised some difficulties during the upcoming week.

Here is my enjoyment kit that could help you enjoy your first burn and have an amazing experience. Use in case of unexpexted insecurity or bad mood.


Never forget the dusk mask


I know, I know. Everybody is talking about the dust. But trust me – never mind how much you read, you are never truly prepared. When you pack your bags for Burning Man, of course mind a pair of nice googles or a snowboard mask. But the most important is to have a dust mask covering your nose and mouth. A dust storm can really surprise you.



One calm evening, I am out without my mask. The dust storm that starts is so frightfully strong and unexpected that I struggle in the dark seeing nothing and nobody. I try to ride my bike in a straight line but it is impossible. It is obvious that the bike is trying to kidnap me at this point. And then I can’t breathe because of the dust filling my mouth and nose. I put a scarf on my face and try to not let panic overcome me. This is hard. When I get to our tent 20 minutes later, pushing my bike through the void I am crying, scared and hardly breathing.

So keep the dust mask always with you!


Don’t worry about the style


Not the crazy outfits, you should definitely prepare for Burning Man. I am sure you are going to be outstanding, unique and super sexy. What I mean, is that you will not be able to be as perfect as you have imagined. And that’s OK. I know this is really important for you especially if you are a girl. The thing is that all your bags and clothes will be covered in dust on day two. Bring zip lock bags, keep them closed, but expect that they will get dusty.

Without running water, you will be also covered in dust the whole week.

I was really disappointed when I couldn’t set my beautiful curly hair loose in the desert. With all the dust, it became matted and unpleasant to touch. My skin got dehydrated and started peeling. My makeup did not look as good as usual even when I actually put it on (quite rarely). I wore only a couple of my 6 provocative costumes. Usually I’d wake up in the morning, put my favorite, initially white, later brownish-colored outfit and go out to discover the wonderland that day.



Just in case, if you don’t feel as amazing as you imagined you would – don’t worry. You actually look fabulous!

Sorry guys if that one wasn’t so useful to you.


Let’s talk about hygiene


I am a hygiene-addict.

I like clean bathrooms, sparkling toilets and washing my hands countless times daily. Well, Burning Man is not the place to have high hygiene standards. You will just have to bear through it. You will use portable toilets after hundreds of other people did the same before you. Always bring with you wet wipes and sanitizer. In an emergency, there is a sanitizer station located next to each toilet area.

However, in spite of the smell and the dirtiness, there are amazing things happening there too.

One morning I’m waiting in front of a toilet. A man goes out. He smiles at me and says: “Welcome, have a nice time inside.” As I enter the toilet, I see what he meant. WOW. It smells of a mountain, it’s clean with plenty of toilet paper. A beautiful picture hangs on the wall. The gentle sound of a water stream fills the cabin. It turns out that there are people who “adopt” a toilet and regularly take care of it in order to deliver a pleasant experience to its visitors.


Bring warm clothes


I’m being dead serious. In Black Rock Desert it is very hot during the day and very cold during the night. Pack some really warm stuff – sweaters, socks and a blanket.

During some nights I could not get any sleep because I was shivering. Although I had all my clothes on me, it was still so cold. Fortunately, when you need something at Burning Man, the playa conspires to get it to you. One of our favourite neighbours, Woodsie, had several fur coats, really haute couture pieces. He gave me one of them to keep me warm.

If you are reading this – thank you, Woodsie, my dearest friend!


Let go and Let in


The same oddity that pulled me so badly to be at Burning Man literally grabbed me by the throat at the beginning of my journey. Burning Man has a way to get you out of your comfort zone the moment you reach the gates.

It is unexplainable, it is powerful and it is one of the best things that can happen to you.

But first you need to let go.

Let go all the prejudices you have. Let go all definitions and believes you follow in your everyday life. Let go all the shame. Let go all the fear. Let go all your reasonable and sober explanations of people and situations. Let go all your behavior, models and rules. Let go black and white. Let go negativism.

Then breathe. Now it is time to let in.

Let in open mind. Let in the child in you. Let in the brave you. Let in the vulnerable you. Let in the true you. Let in strangers. Let in acceptance. Let in joy. Let in trust. Let in connection.

Let in Love.







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